Untropomorfic Figures
A performative transcription of tree portraits travelling through the Petrohradská Kolektiv building.
4 Nov Sat 23:00 CEST
The Untropomorfic Figures project is based on a photo collection of tree portraits bearing the marks of specific individuality. These are composed into the interactive audiovisual projection Expo_dist and, during the festival, will be transcribed into the walls of the Petrohradská Kolektiv building as a reminder of a takeover of untropomorfic forces.
Jakub Tajovský
Jakub Tajovský is a Phd candidate at FaVU BUT, where he researches the "design" of painting. At the same time, he focuses on painting as a set of specific material practices. In a historical perspective, not only painting styles and techniques change, but also the entire material-craft/industrial complex. Jakub use various custom materials and instruments in his artistic research which are designed to decentralize the human in the nature-human-culture relationship.